
Bint Hazy AlKalediah Gold Champion Senior Mare owned by Al Khashab Stud SQ Al Jaouhra Bronze Champion Junior Filly Owned by Al Saqran Stud

Rihab Al Nasser Silver champion senior mare bred and owned by Al Nasser Stud Areeb Al Nasser Silver Champion yearling colt owned by Al Nasser Stud

2020 European Championships Efora KL European Junior Champion Filly Owned by Klikowa Arabians Kabsztad Silver European Champion Stallion shown by Koen Hennekens On lease to Flaxman Arabians Owned by Michalow Stud Woj Class Winner 4 to 6 Year old Stallion owned by Flaxman Arabians Praque Intercup Woj Gold Champion Senior Champion Stallion Owned by Flaxman Arabians

EUROPEAN C-SHOW Dynamite K.A. | Gold Champion Yearling Colts Owned by Knocke Arabians Enchanting K.A. | Gold Champion Junior Colts Owned by Knocke Arabians Badia A| Silver Champion Yearling Fillies Owned by Arabian Farm SA Libero K.A. | Silver Champion Junior Colts Owned by Knocke Arabians Thousand Waves K.A. | Silver Champion Senior Mare + Best Belgian Horse Owned by Knocke Arabians WOJ | Silver Champion Senior Stallion Owned by Flaxman Arabians Thalina K.A. | Bronze Champion Junior Fillies Owned by Knocke Arabians EUROPEAN JUNIOR BREEDERS SHOW Badia A| Silver Champion Yearling Fillies Owned by Arabian Farm SA INTERNATIONAL B-SHOW Bader Akmal | Gold Champion Yearling Colts

Bader Akmal | Silver Champion Yearling Colt and Classwinner Yearling Colts Owned by Akmal Stud Rannan Akmal | Bronze Champion Junior Colt and Classwinner 2 year old Colts Owned by Akmal Stud Evangelos K.A. | Bronze Champion Senior Stallion Owned by Barbour Stud

EUROPEAN C-SHOW Enchanting K.A. | Silver Champion Junior Colt + Classwinner 2 year old Colts Owned by Knocke Arabians Thousand Waves K.A. | Bronze Champion Senior Mare + Classwinner 4-6 year old Mares Owned by Knocke Arabians INTERNATIONAL B-SHOW Bader Akmal | Bronze Champion Junior Colt Owned by Akmal Stud Hasna Akmal | Bronze Champion Junior Filly + Classwinner 2 year old Fillies Owned by Akmal Stud HHC Ali-K | Classwinner 7-9 year old Mares Owned by Akmal Stud

Mozn Albidayer | Gold Champion Senior Mare and Best in Show Female Owned by Albidayer Stud Davida | Bronze Champion Junior Filly Owned by Alqubaisi Stud

Mozn AlBidayer Gold Champion Senior Mare bred and owned by Al Bidayer Stud

SHAMAN AL NASSER gold champion junior colts YAMAMA AL NASSER silver champion yearling filly REEMA AL NASSER silver champion junior filly HARIR AL JASSASIYA bronze champion yearling colts

Razeen Al Nasser Silver Champion yearling colt owned by Al Nasser Stud Arwa Al Nasser Silver Champion junior filly owned by Al Nasser stud Badi Athbah Bronze Champion senior Stallion owned by Al Jazeel Arabians